Crunchy French Toast Sticks (with step by step photos)

Hey there beauty's. This morning when I was making myself a cup of tea I was thinking of what to have with it. I noticed the bag of bread laying on the counter and the first thing that popped in my brain was French toast . I can never have enough of French toast.
I usually make the plain French toast but today I added a couple more ingredients to make it taste like the ones we used to have for breakfast at school.
Its so simple and easy to make, you'll be glad you did.


                             4 Slices of bread (white or whole wheat)
1 full cup of milk
  2 tablespoon corn flour
                   2 tablespoon of a smashed banana
1 tablespoon of sugar
     1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
                           1 packet of instant Quaker oatmeal
                    Syrup/pancake syrup/honey for topping
                     (if you don't have any kind of syrup for topping
                      then use 2 tblsp of sugar instead of 1)

 Step 1.  Mix all ingredients (except bread) in a medium bowl.
Wisk properly for about 2 min.


Step 2.  layer the 4 slice of bread and cut in three pieces.
Like shown in the picture.

Step 3.   Now dip one side of the bread in the milk paste like shown in the picture and place in a clean plate. Don't let the bread soak too long in the paste or the bread will become soggy and break.
Step 4.  Sprinkle the instant oatmeal on the wet side of the bread and press spoon over it so the oatmeal can stay in place.
This how it will look after your done using the oatmeal..
Step 5. Heat a nonstick pan and slightly grease it with butter, cooking oil or cooking spray.
Then put each stick over the greased pan
(like shown in picture)
Then put the remaining milk mix on the other side of the bread(the dry side) using a spoon. (like you see in the pic)

Step.6   After 3-4 minutes flip them over slowly using a spatula. it will look like the picture shown. Make sure there cooking on low heat that way they will be more crunchier.
Now your Crunchy French Toast Sticks are ready. Drizzle some of your favorite syrup over them. I use honey because I love honey and cinnamon together..

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