Perfect face mask for Sensitive skin

Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

  Plain old butter is an excellent
  source of vitamin A, so grab the (unsalted) butter from the fridge and leave it out for a few hours until it

Important Foundation Tips

Well-applied foundation is invisible ....all people will notice is your flawless, glowing skin.
Badly applied foundation/make-up will leave you looking like you are wearing a mask. The good news is that applying

Longer looking lashes with The help of Mascara

For long looking eyelashes use single strokes without accumulating alot of mascara.
For a natural but maintained look use a small brush to remove the extra mascara.

Womens Most common Beauty Mistakes

Women are often willing to suffer deprivation or discomfort in the name of beauty, but mistakes are often made and some of them can lead to lasting effects.

Mistake #1 “I’m tired, so I’ll just go to bed”

Photo shoot makeup 10 Tips

If you are taking the annual photos to send friends and family, you will have to readjust your makeup. There are 10 rules you should strive to keep in order to look good in artificial light and on camera. The lighting that will be

Give yourself a relaxing face massage

There is a lot that can be said about the benefits of massage.
One of the main goals of facial massage is to deal with stress and remove tension from the face. The face has many muscles and is the one part of your body where the effects of stress are most noticeable.