Mango (the king of fruits) Face mask and Benefits


They can be eaten raw or ripe, these mangoes! Called the king of fruits, it’s one of the most popular fruits found.Mangoes are cultivated everywhere from California to Mexico, from the Caribbean to Africa, Australia and China.
Not only does the mangoes work good inside your body but also does wonders for your skin, the first thing I do when I buy mangoes is use a simple easy face mask

Mango and Honey Face Mask Recipe  
Honey retains moisture so your skin feels hydrated and fresh all day. It also absorbs impurities from the pores in the skin, making it a very effective chemical-free remedy to clear skin blemishes like acne and pimples.
4 tablespoons finely chopped mango pulp
1-2 teaspoons honey
1 1/2 tablespoons almond oil
Place all ingredients in a bowl; mix well.
Apply on your clean face and neck. Leave the face mask on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water. Good for all skin types.

1. Helps Prevent Cancer- Mangoes contain various antioxidant compounds that help protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia, & prostate cancers. Some of these compounds include: quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat.

2. Great Alkalizing Food- Mangoes are moderately alkaline forming foods that help maintain a healthy pH level in the body. They contain tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid that helps regulate the body’s alkali reserves.

3. Immune System Booster- Mangoes are full of Vitamin A, C, and 25 different caroteniods that help boost the immune system.

4. Lowers Cholesterol and Improves Digestion- Mangoes contain high levels of fiber, pectin, and Vitamin C that help improves digestion and lowers cholesterol.

5. Clears the Skin and Improves Eye Health- Full of beta-carotene and Vitamin C, simply applying mango to the face can help improve the skin’s elasticity and repair the cells. Vitamin A also helps maintain eye health, night blindness, and dry eyes.

6.Benefits to skin: Mango is effective in treating the skin’s clogged pores. Which means, those who suffer from acne (which is mostly caused by clogged pores), will benefit from eating the fruit. Eating mangoes also improves complexion and texture of the skin

This king of fruits is a must,especially  when it hits the market ripest in the summer season
You can save this picture I have gaven above to remind you of its benefits..

Apple face mask and other benefits


The best I like about apples,I mean the most I love about apples is the face mask,which I use weekly.I posted a picture on how to use an apple face mask so u can save the picture in your device as a reminder to actually use this great mask!!