Orange peel Skin whitening mask

Orange Peels for Skin whitening

Do you have blemishes or unexplainable dark spots on your skin? Then you know the right answer-use orange peels for skin! Orange peels are a natural bleacher and can help lighten dark blotches on the skin and effectively remove them with time.

What’s more is that orange peels help reduce suntans besides deflecting harmful UV rays from attacking skin cells. Take care to dilute the orange peel paste when creating a face mask because you don’t want to burn your skin-the peels contain a lot of citric acid.

To make a simple mask

Mix one part yogurt with orange peel powder to make a thick paste. After which, apply on face using gentle circular motions and wash off with lukewarm water after a period of 15 minutes. This not only makes your skin much lighter but also provides a natural and non-painful way of getting rid of black heads, plus it unclogs excess oils and dirt clogged within skin pores.

           Comment below and let me know how it worked out for you :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is interesting and will surely try it but where can I buy orange peel? Thanks!


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