Is your skin Spot-prone? If so Use this homemade mask

Face Mask for Oily Skin

"If your skin is spot-prone, try a plum and yoghurt mask," says Sarah Stacey of the Green Beauty Bible .
"Plums contain vitamins A and C (known as anti-oxidants), which fight-off free radical activity, strengthen skin's elasticity and
general appearance."
Both these vitamins are often used in anti-acne and oil-control style skin care products. Stacey adds, "Plain yoghurt is an excellent skin hydrator, packed with lactic acid which aids sloughing of dead skin cells and increases cellular turnover."

Method: Poach four fresh plums, strain really well and leave to cool. Mash-up and blend with one or two tablespoons of plain yoghurt, a teaspoon of sweet almond oil (which contains anti-microbial properties to help prevent spread of the bacteria responsible for acne)  and some cornflower to thicken and bind mixture (make to suit) and apply to face.
Warning ladies, this one gets a bit messy!

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