Which Kind of Skin type Are You???

Oily, combination or dry as a Mexican desert, your skin type will determine what kind of cosmetics and skin care products you use on your skin. Get it right, and you are on the path to a fabulous complexion. Get it wrong and you could open the door to spots, wrinkles or worse.

What Skin Type Do I Have?

A really easy way to tell what skin type you are is to wash your face, pat it dry and leave it for 20 minutes (so your skin has a chance to balance itself)... and then take the skin test.
In her book Beauty: The New Basics , Rona Berg says, "Take a few pieces of tissue paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily bits and become translucent. If the paper doesn't stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70% of women have combination skin."
You can also tell your skin type by these characteristics:

1. Oily Skin

Oily skin tends to be shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and spots. Make-up slides off easily if it is not well-applied or suitable for oily skins. Read our complete guide to oily skin for more skin care advice.

2. Combination Skin

This common skin type has a smooth and even texture, good circulation and a healthy colour. It tends towards dryness on the cheeks and slightly enlarged pores, while being oily in the T-zone. Read our complete guide to combination skin for more skin care advice.

3. Dry Skin

Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches, and make-up may show up dry areas. If you have black or Asian skin, it may appear ashy or dull from dead skin cell build-up. Read our complete guide to dry skin for more skin care advice


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